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Showing posts from April, 2005

Harold Bice, My American Idol

This clinches it for me (and I think for Bice himself and for all Americans), this guys is going to be our new American Idol. What better commentary on our country could there be! Bice reported on the Idol Web site that his "most embarrassing moment" was when he once "fell off stage during a show." You mean his most embarrassing moment wasn't when pleaded guilty for a misdemeanor? In unrelated news, Bo's first name is Harold. Which is either funny to you, or happens to be the name of your own father (that's me).

Yes, I Am A Yankee - What The "F" Are You?

Found a link to this on my friend Lee's blog. It is interesting to me because I grew up in NY but lived in North Florida (Go Noles) and Atlanta for more than 10 years. Your Linguistic Profile: 55% General American English 25% Yankee 15% Dixie 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Obnoxious Yankees Fan? Yes I am!

A week or so ago, my mom's boyfriend said to me in a very smug manner "How about those Mets?" - to which I looked at him blankly. He asked me if I wanted to come over to his side and what I said, I think is a true Yankee fan response. I told him that no matter what happens this season, even if the Mets win the series and the Yanks are in last place, that in the end, he's still a Mets fan. Doh. I was telling this story to someone on the phone the other day who was a Red Sox fan, and I realized I could have used it on him as well.

Earthcore - SciFi Podcast

I read about Earthcore , the first Podcast Novel while reading some blogs on bloglines (if you aren't a user, what the heck are you waiting for?) and downloaded to satisfy my curiosity. I tried to copy it over to my Creative Zen Xtra Jukebox MP3 player and had no luck - the files from the site were bad/invalid or something. I tried to convert the files with no luck using several different converters with no luck. Oddly, Scott posted his IM address on the site and I had a nice chat with him and found out that he may have encoded the files at an odd bitrate (or some such tech nonsense). I finally tried an MP3 plug in in Winamp and voila... it worked... I listened to the Prologue last night and was pretty impressed and am looking forward to listening to more. Tech issues aside... Scott put up a slick site with lots of feeds and is accessible to chat with directly. Great stuff.

My Little Secret

I don't think this guy has invaded the mainstream quite yet - but my god he is one fantastic writer... Cory Doctorow does it again. I just read several short stories from his collection "A Place So Foreign" and am blown away. The title story is so amazing, I was even telling my 7 year old about it (I had to talk to someone!). In any case, I feel like this guy is a secret to the world but not for long.