Just finished reading " The New Digital Age " which had me thinking of picking up my original copy of " Being Digital " to compare and contrast. Maybe later. It's a good book, thoughtful and smart but at times a bit out there. I wanted to capture here some stats they throw in to set the stage for their assumptions, all stuff we know but it's more good data you can use and quote. The book focuses on BIG issues around digital - statehood, terrorism, politics, society etc... worth a read but it is dense. I admit, I flipped past some of the sections on statehood and politics. Number of people connected to the Internet worldwide increased from 350 million to more than 2 billion In the same period, the number of mobile-phone subscribers rose from 750 million to well over 5 billion (it is now over 6 billion) By 2025, the majority of the world's population will, in one generation, have gone from virtually no access to unfiltered information to accessing...
Streams of consciousness, musings on marketing, community building and other randomized bits. Don't Panic, this blog is harmless.