My daughter, who will be in a few weeks, lost her first two teeth yesterday. Lo and behold, I was on a business trip and missed the amazement she had when she awoke to her missing tooth. I got a voice mail and heard the wonder and joy in her voice and was happy (and then sad for not being there). Then, I got another voice mail, a few minutes later telling me that she lost another tooth while eating breakfast. How amazing. How'd she get so old already?
In any case, the tooth fairy came last last night - giving her a 5 spot for the first tooth, and a buck for the second. When she woke up, she came running in telling us to look at what the tooth fairy left. It was a genuine moment - a moment of pure joy and wonder that a tooth fairy could actually exist, and dole out greenbacks for teeth. Who funds this tooth fairy operation anyways? What would a tooth fairy do with little tiny teeth and do they need a receipt for reimbursement?
In any case, as she was headed downstairs for breakfast this morning, I overheard her tell her younger sister that the tooth fairy came and can you believe it, left her a 5 and a 1 dollar bill. I asked her how much that was and she paused, counted to herself and said "MOMMY! The tooth fairy left me 6 dollars!"
I'm amazed at the wonder, joy and unconditional belief that there actually exists a tooth fairy. It's beautiful.
In any case, the tooth fairy came last last night - giving her a 5 spot for the first tooth, and a buck for the second. When she woke up, she came running in telling us to look at what the tooth fairy left. It was a genuine moment - a moment of pure joy and wonder that a tooth fairy could actually exist, and dole out greenbacks for teeth. Who funds this tooth fairy operation anyways? What would a tooth fairy do with little tiny teeth and do they need a receipt for reimbursement?
In any case, as she was headed downstairs for breakfast this morning, I overheard her tell her younger sister that the tooth fairy came and can you believe it, left her a 5 and a 1 dollar bill. I asked her how much that was and she paused, counted to herself and said "MOMMY! The tooth fairy left me 6 dollars!"
I'm amazed at the wonder, joy and unconditional belief that there actually exists a tooth fairy. It's beautiful.