If you've read Vinge's short story/novella " True Names " you'll be familiar with online/offline identity management. I've managed to create quite a collection of public "persona's" on a variety of sites including myspace , linkedin , friendster , orkut , classmates , meez , reunion.com and have been thinking about ways to combine these into a single identity or collection of identities that I can more easily manage. In addition to social networking sites, I've also got my own web site , blog , professional blog and my own flickr photo sharing site. I've most recently been looking at some very cool new functionality that Yahoo! 360 provides, along with Squidoo. Continuing the mind numbing madness, I've also started using Del.icio.us to social bookmark concepts, sites and ideas that I want to remember and share. I of course have a Google account which gives me msirkin.googlepages.com , access to base.google.com and just today - ...
Streams of consciousness, musings on marketing, community building and other randomized bits. Don't Panic, this blog is harmless.