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Showing posts from April, 2006

True Names and The Semantic Web

If you've read Vinge's short story/novella " True Names " you'll be familiar with online/offline identity management. I've managed to create quite a collection of public "persona's" on a variety of sites including myspace , linkedin , friendster , orkut , classmates , meez , and have been thinking about ways to combine these into a single identity or collection of identities that I can more easily manage. In addition to social networking sites, I've also got my own web site , blog , professional blog and my own flickr photo sharing site. I've most recently been looking at some very cool new functionality that Yahoo! 360 provides, along with Squidoo. Continuing the mind numbing madness, I've also started using to social bookmark concepts, sites and ideas that I want to remember and share. I of course have a Google account which gives me , access to and just today - ...

OMG Video of the Day

My friend Ray forwarded this to me. This has to be one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. If you are like me, after watching this you'll want your chance to travel to Rio and teach women how to say "biting" while eating some fresh carrots. This is unreal. Enjoy. The bonus is that Arnold is the host.

It's Opening Day

Hope springs eternal - and as a Yankees fan... time for another romp through the AL East... this is going to be a great season. Go Yanks! Past Baseball related posts: June 19, 2005 John Rocker May 11, 2005 Yanks vs. Seattle May 3, 2005, Open Letter to Baseball April 22, 2005 Obnoxious Yankees Fan