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Showing posts from July, 2005

Straight Line Thinking

I'm not sure how coherent these thoughts are but here goes. You know the saying that " the fastest path between two points is a straight line" right? For some reason, probably because of how busy I am, I keep thinking about this saying - or is it just a saying? Maybe it is a philosophy of life! I was talking to a co-worker this morning who has a long commute - she takes a round about route to get to work because there is less traffic. Personally, I've resisted trying this route because I subscribe to the above mentioned "straight line philosophy." I go less miles, but in the same amount of time (approximately) and go in a much more direct route. This of course, got me to thinking. Do I really believe that the right way to live is in a straight line? How far can I push this thinking? As I was killing brain cells (and time) thinking about this, I thought of an example and a litmus test. Do you think that walking the bases loaded with 2 out to get to the next b...