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Showing posts from May, 2009

What Would Google Do: Non-Profit Edition

I've been tweeting and yapping to friends about Jeff Jarvis's terrific book " What Would Google Do " even before I've properly finishing the thing. I sat myself down tonight and plowed through the last 100 pages where Jarvis examines different industries including automotive, manufacturing, telcom, healthcare and more to see what Google would do if they were in those businesses. On one hand, I was really hoping that Jarvis had taken a look at the non-profit sector given my personal history in the sector and my ongoing interest in how non-profits operate. I'll also note that I used to write a fairly well read non-profit marketing blog . Unfortunately, the book doesn't delve into this much, if at all. I thought, instead of a basic set of notes or a book review as I usually do that I'd jump back in time and take a look at the sector with fresh, and "Googley" eyes. If you haven't yet read the book, the basic premise is that Google fundamenta...

My Business Book Bible

I've been devouring business books for ages, I can't seem to get enough. The latest book I picked up is "What Would Google Do" by Jeff Jarvis. I'm about halfway through and will hopefully do a blog post on the book when I'm done if I can find the time. What hit me as I was reading it is that this book is clearly going to be my "new bible" - I even tweeted that it was already. Thinking back and looking through my old web site and my bookshelf in my office, I was curious what some of my old "bibles" have been - remember these beauties? The Innovators Dilemma - Clayton Christenson Mavericks at Work - Bill Taylor Rules for Revolutionaries - Guy Kawasaki Don't Make Me Think - Krug Cluetrain Manifesto - Searls/Weinberger - as relevant as ever, what were those guy smoking when they wrote this? Purple Cow - Seth Godin Going way back, I seem to remember a book called "Blur" that I obsessed over, as well as the one that got it all star...