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Showing posts from May, 2011

Mottos, sayings and credos

I was lucky enough to be invited to attend a recent client event at Facebook HQ. Pretty cool. Facebook allowed several non-profits to be a part of a very special. "Hack" designed to come up with unique ways to accomplish our missions This was my 2nd visit to "the book" and outside the awesome snacks and food, what I really loved were the various sayings posted on different walls. I jotted a few down... done is better than perfect  proceed and be bold fail harder move fast and break things Not sure which is my favorite. I think I want my own posters for the office, and for my kids rooms.

20m/1t - Palatine Hill and How Time Flies

I promised myself I'd start blogging again in 20 minute chunks with a singular focus for each post... here goes! I had the amazing opportunity to visit Rome with my family a few weeks ago, and while visiting was a dream come true, I had an odd experience while we were there. Amidst the ruins, columns and amazing statues I began to feel displaced somehow from myself. I first felt it when we were standing under the Arch of Titus, reading from a tour book about how Jewish slaves were forced to build structure after structure in constructing the city. Aside from learning just now while writing this post that Romans Jews refuse to walk under it (oops "When in Rome"), I had an oddly disconnected/connected feeling to Rome. I started to think about time. Some 2,000 years ago, ancient Romans most certainly felt as we do today, that our society and civilization could not and would not crumble. Yet it happened to them, as it has happened with other societies and people across t...


Dear Blog, I miss you. I've neglected you, ignored you and worst of all, pretty much forgotten you. We used to have such a good time, the two of us. I wrote stuff, and you acepted it. I used you to work stuff out, like a personal diary about different things that interested me, made me laugh, and made me think. I never cared if anyone actually read it, it was really just between you and me. And since you are a blog, it really was just for me. Then that damn social media guy came 'round, and things changed. At first, it was OK, I still occasionally wrote here, but things heated up over on Facebook and the Twitter. I had to filter my thoughts more because over there, you write for others to react, not for yourself. It feels kinda opposite of what writing here used to be. Plus, its hard to wax poetic in 140 characters, eh? So, I hope this means I am back. I have an idea of doing a series of blog posts called "20 minutes/1 thought" where I will give myself 20 time...