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Showing posts from January, 2010

Getting Leverage

I've been in blogging hibernation as I adjust to my new gig and am happy to be emerging finally, even if just for a bit. I'm working on a new framework concept to help me organize all the different partners, vendors and volunteers and wanted to blog a little about how I plan to manage it all. From an IT perspective, most folks start with an "infrastructure" and a basic architecture. I'm trying to figure out how to draw it, but I'm adding a few layers to this in order to both maximize my leverage. That said, I'm actually a marketing guy... so really, from a marketing perspective, I also need some sort of architecture. First, I'm creating what I'm calling a "Marketecture," which essentially is a layer of marketing activities that should be plugged into both my technology infrastructure and my strategic planning. For example, how do we know who in our database is also a Twitter follower or Facebook fan? We don't. Or... who on our ...