As part of my ongoing, annual goal setting and life re-orientation as I now call it, I just finished reading "The Present," a parable by Spencer Johnson. This book is a lot more accessible, though not as deep as Tolle's "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" and is a quick read.
It's amazing to me that I've been trying to live more in the now for the last few years and have not made more progress. That said, I do finally find myself recognizing when I am in fact, not living in the present. A few nights ago, I totally flew off the handle after talking to my mom and while I was able to recognize what I was doing, I was unable to curb my behavior. Some things continue to get to me!
Alternatively, on Christmas day as the girls were opening their gifts, this amazing wash of joy came over me. I know looking back that I was experiencing "flow" and was wonderfully, totally in the present moment.
In any case, the book essentially presents 3 ways to use present moments to enjoy life... I do not think posting these here will help you, but since I've read the book I think it will serve as a reference point for me. I'm also considering turning this into a wallpaper :)
Be in the present
When you want to be happier and more effective
Learn from the past
When you want to make the present better than the past
Help create the future
When you want to make the future better than the present
Realize your purpose
Explore ways to make your work and life more meaningful
It's amazing to me that I've been trying to live more in the now for the last few years and have not made more progress. That said, I do finally find myself recognizing when I am in fact, not living in the present. A few nights ago, I totally flew off the handle after talking to my mom and while I was able to recognize what I was doing, I was unable to curb my behavior. Some things continue to get to me!
Alternatively, on Christmas day as the girls were opening their gifts, this amazing wash of joy came over me. I know looking back that I was experiencing "flow" and was wonderfully, totally in the present moment.
In any case, the book essentially presents 3 ways to use present moments to enjoy life... I do not think posting these here will help you, but since I've read the book I think it will serve as a reference point for me. I'm also considering turning this into a wallpaper :)
Be in the present
When you want to be happier and more effective
- Focus on what is right now
- Respond to what is important today
Learn from the past
When you want to make the present better than the past
- Look at what happened in the past
- Learn something valuable from it
- Do things differently today
Help create the future
When you want to make the future better than the present
- Imagine what a wonderful future would look like
- Make a realistic plan
- Do something today to help it happen
Realize your purpose
Explore ways to make your work and life more meaningful