Amazing TED video (as per usual). I love, love, love what Katerine Fulton is trying to say.
- Mass Collaboration - "big things are being done for love" (Shirky)
- Online Philanthropy Marketplaces - peer to peer philanthropy (check out
- Aggregated Giving - every giver should have his or her own fund and foundation (check out
- Innovation Competitions - maybe my favorite!
- Social investing - perhaps the biggest of them all - this blows up our assumptions business is business and philanthropy is philanthropy
Completely agree, I loved this talk. Posted a comment on the TED site describing the work Social Actions is doing along these lines.
You might enjoy this video, too -- describes why Social Actions is committed to building the exact infrastructure Katherine is describing, and what we're doing towards that end:
My Social Actions might be of interest to you, too -- online social network for all kinds of people involved in philanthropy, tech, nonprofits, causewired actions of all kinds. Feel free to cross-post there or launch any kind of related discussion:
Kudos for drawing attention to this movement --